Mouse Tail.....

One's upon a time a long long time ago..there was a bear...he lived alone in a dark pinewood forest.
Days went by,months went by,years went by and the bear lost track of time...He remembered being a young strong bear catching fish in the river,he remembered being a young cub, playing, catching butterflies..but now, the bear was very old and tired, and he knew there wasn't much time left for to make new memories for him to remember later....this made him very sad. If only he could stop time from passing by...
One very beautiful summer night the bear wandered trough the grasslands...he walked slowly...enjoying the night air and the light of the full moon standing proudly above him...o..those summer nights..and that beautiful starry that moment the bear made a wish. He wished he could be a star...a star who would shine for ever and ever..How tired he was...he had to lay down for a moment in the grass..his eyes gazing at the sky...Look.. there he saw a very bright star...did this star just move, or did his eyes play tricks on ,it did move...It could be a falling star...but was falling down very was kind of gliding like a leaf in the wind.
The bear didn't dare to move...mesmerized....spellbound...he just knew something wonderful was bound to happen.
The shiny little star came closer and closer...and then the bear heard that this little star had a voice..a clear crystal sound, like from a silver bell. And this sweet little voice was saying..'Lay still..very still, for I am going to land on your nose..'
And so the little star landed....and the bear holding his nose high up in the air was trying to see wat exactly had landed there...this wasn't very easy..
'Hello there'..he heard the little voice say...and he felt a flutter on his nose that almost made him sneeze..
"O no,dear bear,please...hold your might sneeze me off into the pine forest...and I came all the way down here to ask you a very important question..'
"What question might that be"...asked the bear very curious...still trying to get a clear view of what was sitting there on his nose...
"I came to ask you if you would like to go with me up into the air and help me ...I am the fearless gatekeeper in the sky and I could use some help from a big strong and very wise bear...
"Help can I do that"said the bear,looking very cross beginning to see a tiny winged creature ...could this creature be a ....mouse? Could there really be a mouse with wings..sitting on his nose?
'Dear bear'...said the creature...'we need your wisdom to guide know we live in troubled times and when people are lost they need someone to help them find there way...they need something that will be there for ever and a beacon..a lifeline..A star..'
'A star'...the bear jumped up for joy..'I am going to be a star'?
"O my goodness"...squeaked the little voice,"now look what you did,this is not a good start in helping someone finding her way...Now I"m lost in the clover...please pick me up.."
The bear looked down and there he saw a little light in the grass..very gently he stretched out his paw ..'Come on' said the bear...'You can climb on safely...I promise not to jump up again..'And there on his paw a tiny shiny fairy mouse climbed up...'Now I can see you better,smiled the are a mouse..'
"No no no...I am a fairy mouse, a fairy with a tale ..And I do hope this tale will have a happy ending please dear Bear will you come with me ...You will be not just one star ...because you are so big and strong you are going to be seven shining stars and when people look up to the sky they will see you there, shining, for ever and ever and they will feel safe and sheltered'.
"This is a very important job",said the bear....'well,I always wanted to be a star..and seven stars..o my, who could resist..My sweet fairy mouse, my answer is going to be..Yes... It would be a great honor..'
'Then,my dear bear friend we have to hurry..time flies..please, let me sit on your nose again because I have to give you a kiss...after that...lift off ..the sky is the limit my dear bear friend..'
Sitting on the bears nose the fairy mouse gave her furry friend a sweet tiny kiss on his forehead and the very next minute they where gone....
Off to eternity...and until this day..and for ever and ever can see the big bear standing there, shining, in his sheltering sky..


The Pumkin on the Hiltop

On a beautiful Autumn Morning Miss Mousie was reading her newspaper...

O my..Do you know what the days news are not going to believe this...there seems to be a haunted Pumpkin on the hate anything's too suspicious..and I can't stand the suspense..O dear...Well,I am not going near that spooky pumpkin...wonder if Gustave knows..he likes scary things..

Now..after reading the news everybody is talking about The haunted pumpkin on the Hill!.And where do you go to hear the latest the barbershop!

-Dear Sir Hog..please sit still..its only your beard that needs a trim..

In the barbershop chair sits Sir H. Hog...nobody knows where the H stands for..well,we believe it to be Horatio..but we are not sure..Sir Hog comes from a very noble  family..royalty he wants us to believe..

-Sir Hog..please ,why are you so jumpy today..
-Why?Do you even have to ask..I want to go to the Haunted Pumpkin..did you see it last was glowing in the dark...I tell you,it was staring at me with two creepy piercing eyes..I didn't dare to go near it ..but now at daytime I will go and take a look..
-O my dear Sir...would this be wise.....rumour said spooky noises are coming out of chains rattling..and the whispering of voices..
-Well,somebody has to go there...don't worry I will be fine..I...Sir H. Hog come from a very noble grandfather was a Knight..and my mother always told me I am just like him..a fearless creature..

And after saying this Sir H Hog jumped out of his seat and headed in the direction of the Haunted Pumpkin on the Hill...

It was still dark when Miss Moussie awoke...there was a blustery wind howling outside her window..
Goodness,she twittered,what dreadful weather..So happy I did all of my shopping I can stay inside today with a cup of tea and a book.
She tried to get back to sleep but the wind was rocking her little houssie and cried many lyrics..
Then, there was a sudden knock on the door...and again...and again!
Who could this be..?
Miss Moussie heard a panicking voice calling..."Please, Miss Moussie open up..Its Me.. WHO!
As quick as possible Miss Moussie jumped in her slippers and ren to open the door.
There stood WHO..out of breath..with a bewildered look on his face..

-The Pumpkin ,he stammered,the Pumpkin...and poor Horatio!
-What are you trying to tell me dear Who..did something happen to Sir Hog?
-I saw him in the forest..heading towards the Haunted Pumpkin..I warned him not to go there... I said to him ..-.'there is more between heaven and earth then we know my friend Horatio'-....this could be very dangerous...but he wouldn't listen..and now he is gone...he went into the Pumpkin..I waited and waited..but Horatio disappeared, then I heard a creepy voice cackle... GO AWAY........

WHO crached on the sofa..leaving Miss Moussie standing in the doorway the blustering what to do.....

The morning after this stormy night was glorious ..the wind had decided to have a rest after his blustery night ,the sun was shining,and the garden lookt magical in golden autumn colors.
It could have been a wonderful autumn day if it wasn't for the sad news WHO brought home ...something terrible had happened..Sir Horatio Hog was missing...probably swallowed by the haunted Pumpkin on the Hilltop.
There they were...all the little,and not so little garden creatures,sitting in Miss Moussie's kitchen..all with troubled hearts...

-I just don't know what to say..said Gustave..and he took another bite from his fifth cookie...
-Well,you do know how to eat cookies...twittered Miss Moussie,how can you eat in a moment like this..
-It's my nerves,its my sorry ,croaked Gustave..but when I eat I  think better..the cookies are just what I for the brain..and I don't ask why you are polishing your silver like crazy..I suppose you are nervous too...
-We better come up with an idea ,said Elvira..looking very squashed and flushed,sitting between the kitchen table and the burning stove..its very hot in here...
-WHO,laying on the sofa in a very dramatic pose,didn't say much..he was still recovering from the shock...

What ever will they do...lets not disturb them any further and come back later...hopefully they will find a way to help Sir Hog...anyway..something else is puzzling me...did you see Mr C...he isn't in Miss Moussie's kitchen..

In the middle of taking a bite from his sixt cookie,Gustave frose....Then he jumped up and tryed to say something with his mouth full... "HMMPFINWTDOOO,MPFCMNNE"....he said, and then he ran out of the kitchen....
-What was he saying..squeaked Miss MOussie and she hurried after him...
-I believe it was what they call a text message...said Elvira following Miss KNW WHT TO DO..COME ON....
-You mean he has a plan...twittered Miss Moussie...thank goodness!

Gustave ran towards the pond....stopped, and then took a dive into the green water..
-Gustave ,squeaked Miss Moussie...I am not going to follow you in know I can't swim, please come out and tell us what you are planning to do..
Elvira and Miss Moussie stood ther impatiently waiting for Gustave to emerge from the pond ....they waited and waited..
-Gustave this isn't funny anymore..twittered Miss time for jokes..we have to do something RIGHT now..
At that very moment a THING emerged from the deep dark was green and slimy...with a sort of tentacles waving around...and it was hissing and puffing like a dragon...
-O.M.G...squeaked Miss Moussie grabbing Elvira by here tail trying to pull her away...A Swamp for your life..
But Elvira being very brave and clever didn't move an inch...she saw what we can't see at this moment but she saw this was not the terrible swamp thing emerging but ..Gustave !

Gustave the swamp thing climbed out of the pond..'Friends'..he said whilst dripping water and slime and waving his tentacles...Friends...we are going to beat this Haunted Pumkin with his own wapon...
-And that is,asked Miss Moussie....
-Creepiness..answered Gustave...we are going to be very scary..and demand the Pumpkin to let Sir Hog go....I just know this will work...
-O Gustave you are wonderful..said Elvira...I love it when a plan comes together...lets gather everybody...we are going to be Swampthings...
Miss Moussie was very quiet...she wasn't so sure this plan could work..and she wasn't so sure she would like to be a swamp thing....too wet..and too slimy..yak.

Ours later...In the middle of the forest,in the moonlight, on the Hilltop, we see Mr C...what is he doing there..does he know that he is standing just a few feet away from the Haunted Pumpkin? Somebody should warn him...this could be dangerous..Mr C is acting very strange...running around with a shovel and digging a hole in the ground..Maybe he is making a new entrance to his labyrinth...or maybe he is burying something..or.....someone...!

Under a full moon Who hoovered high over the tree tops..he was searching the grounds..he felt a great responsibility for the safety of all the little Hilltop Creatures..and he made a promise to himself to watch the Haunted Pumpkin 24/7..
What was that..a dark shadow moving under the bushes...Who made a dive..gliding on his brown feathered wings...he landed ever so quiet on a branch of the big Chestnut tree..he looked down..and who was it WHO saw...Yes...Mr C..

-Its C...whispered WHO to himself...this can't be good...If I don't warn him the Pumpkin might eat him like he did Sir Hog...
-Whoo hoo,whoo hoo..whood WHO...C ,can you see me ,I am up here..Whoo hoo..
Mr C didn't respond,he just kept on digging and digging..
-Who who...C ...WHO whood again...then he picked some chestnuts from the tree and started throwing to get Mr C's did hit Mr C right on his behind..!
-Who ddid tthat...stammered Mr C..waving his shovel through the air..
-Me,that's who....said WHO's me up here....My dear friend C you know you are in a very dangerous place ..if you look behind you, you can see the Haunted Pumpkin glowing in the dark..please keep away from there or you might end up like Sir Hog..'
-Who do you think you are attacking me with chestnuts in the middle of the night,said C irritated...I am working here can't you see....please, just let me be..
And C..started digging again....minding his own buisness...and what could this buiness be ..Who knows..well, that is ,WHO didn't know..he flew back to the garden to tell his friends all about this strange encounter with Mr C on the Hilltop!

For the second time this week WHO banged on Miss Moussie door...and again in the middle of the night...

-Who is it...Miss Moussie squeaked with a very sleepy voice...GO AWAY, I was dreaming the most beautiful dream..
-Its me , sorry to disturb you again..but what I just saw in the forest looked very suspicious and I had to come and tell you right away..
-Suspicious you say..o dear ..Just a sec..and Miss Moussie jumped out of bed into her ,with bleu forget me nots..then,swiftly, she opened the door.
-I am so happy to see you ,said WHO,a few minutes ago I had a strange encounter with Mr you know we haven't seen much of him lately..but there he was ...digging a hole..just a few feet away from the Haunted Pumpkin..!
-Goodness,twittered Miss Moussie,dousn't he know what has happened to Sir Hog...we have to warn him..
-I did, I did...but he wouldn't listen..he told me to let him be..sighed WHO and then crashed on the sofa....
-Lets wait until daylight twittered Miss Moussie, then you and I are going to visit Gustave at the Pond..maybe he knows why Mr C is acting so very strange..
And so they did..on the red sofa,sitting on cushions of violet blue,they drank some tea with honey and ate a piece of walnut bread with raspberry marmalade to ease there nerves.
Then, at the crack of dawn, they headed in the direction of the Pond.......WHO hoovered over the tree tops with Miss Moussie on his back...

-You can land now ,Miss Moussie twittered holding on to her new hat,green..with white Lillie's of the valley.."I can see the pond ..isn't it beautiful in this morning light..I see little floating stars..
-It's magical..said looks like Gustave sprinkled some fairy dust on the water.... Who landed softly under a willow tree..
-Care full now..we mustn't fall into the pond..squeaked Miss Moussie ..whilst she stood close to the edge of the water ...and there they where...again..calling and waiting for Gustave to come out of the water...Lets hope this time he will not emerge as the terrible swamp thing..

This time they didn't have to wait...Gustave jumped out of the water not even a second after they called him..

-There you are,he croaked happily..right on time..everything is ready..the Dress rehearsal can begin....Just you wait and see what a wonderful creations I made last night...I think I would make a great designer of Haute Couture..
Step this way please...And before the eyes of Miss Moussie and WHO...Gustave,from under the water Lillie's, revealed his Swamp Line...
-O wait for me ..called a little voice from under the lilac bush...It was Elvira..
'Am I still on time to fit my Swamp dress..'
-Just showing the latest design...croaked Gustave proudly...then we can start the can pick one my dear...see which one you like best..

Who and Miss Moussie where Gustave and Elvira were serious about this creepy swamp thingy plan...
Miss Moussie was the first to speak..
-Gustave,your swamp creations are amazing,but I am not going to try them on..they are ever so wet and sorry but I will have to disappoint you this time..maybe WHO would like to give it a try..?
-Did you ever see a flying swamp thing ,I don't think so ,said WHO..a little nervous...
-That's just why this plan is going to work,croaked Gustave...nobody ever saw a flying swamp thing...dear will scare the..bliep..out of that Haunted will be our hero..
-I will..well then ..I could always give it a try..said you have anything with wings my friend Gustave..I do love all the magical shades of green you used,you truly are an artist..

While Elvira,WHO,and Gustave were very busy fitting and adjusting there swamp costumes....Miss Moussie was having her doubts..would this work..could they save Sir Hog by scaring The Haunted Pumpkin...and shouldn't she be a part of this rescuing swampthing team..was it even possible they could do it without her...somebody had to take charge..
-Oke darlings,she squeaked...I'm in...please Gustave..give me one of your marvelously wet and slimy creations..

About two ours ,and a lot to do about nothing later...our little troup was dressed to impress...!

-Look at you ,said Gustave to WHO...MR Creepiness are the most swampy swamp thing I ever did see...
-And how many DID you see dear Gustave,twittered Miss Moussie...did you...EVER..see a swamp thing in real life...
-No Miss...croaked Gustave,but I saw many in my imagination and that's what counts..
Well, this was an argument Miss Moussie didn't dare to argue so she started to rearrange her tentacles...and she straightened her waterlily hat..
Then.. WHO flapped his majestic wings..creating a whirl of slime and muddy water..
EEEEEUuWW...squeaked Miss MOussie....WHO ,go do this somewhere else...I all ready took a shower today...
-You certainly don't look like you did ..laughed WHO..and the others laughed with him..
-Not funny...twittered Miss MOussie...and she started to walk...I am going...
There she went...a little tiny swamp creature with a tail....disappearing in to the forest..leaving a slimy wet trail...
-lets follow her guys..croaked Gustave...
-Yes, lets..said Elvira...before she gets in trouble..

So now there were three swamp creatures running through the ghostly things in a hurry...
On Hilltop Hall all was still very peaceful and quiet....When you look the window on the can see someone is opening the curtains...This must be our Dutchess...yes,there she is ...looking out of the window...just in time to see these peculiar creatures dashing through the morning mist.....

-Lets just go immediately and straight to the haunted pumpkin...squeaked Miss Moussie while running...I think in daylight this creepy thing won't look so creepy...
-You are absolutely right Miss,croaked Gustave out of breath...lets do it...and scare to wits out of that great big orange balloon..
-YEEE,yelled Elvira...we are the Pumpkin busters....repeat after me...when there's something strange in your neighbourhood.... Who are you gonna call...PUMPKINBUSTERS..
And above the misty clouds they heard the mighty swamp wings of WHO swirling ...and a brave voice yelling...GERONIMO.......

Our little garden creatures were ever so brave and full of courage..determent to go and save there friend Sir Horatio Hog..and..also very find out why Mr C Mole was acting so strange lately....digging holes in the middle of the night..

The fog was getting thicker and thicker...Soon our little garden friends couldn't see where they were going..
-Goodness,twittered Miss Moussie...Stay close together darlings...better grab each others tentacles..Gustave..dearest..that's my tail...well never mind ...just don't let go now...

Miss Moussie ,Gustave,and Elvira walked very slowly and very close together through the misty forest..
Above there heads they could hear WHO...calling..."Whoohoo where are you ...whoohoo,answer me...
-We are down here...down here my friend..croaked Gustave very loud..
-We should sing...said Elvira..then WHO can follow the sound..
-O what a great idea darling..twittered Miss Moussie..and she started singing...
Heigh ho, heigh to the pumpkin we go...heigh ho, heigh ho..
Gustave and Elvira joined her ..and a lovely little choir sang loudly whilst walking through the foggy forest..Who just had to follow the sound of music..

However...a few minutes later...Miss Moussie's singing came abruptly to an end...

BOINGGG..Miss Moussie bumped into something...what appeared to be a signpost..
-O.M.G..squeaked Miss Moussie...a bump..
-A What..asked Gustave..a bump..
-Yes on my head...look..I believe this is going to be a big bump..
-I believe its a signpost ..said Elvira surprised..but I can't read the sign because of the fog..
-A bump as big as a sing post..O.M.G..squeaked Miss Moussie..I have to get my mirror out of my purse..
Then WHO appeared out of the mist..he circled three times round the signpost ,and then came down with this message..listen..

This path to the Pumpkin leads
Follow if you dare..

-How dares this silly signpost...telling us what to dare or not to dare...said WHO..
-I don't like signposts twittered Miss Moussie ,I think they are very never know if they are telling the truth..
-We are going to follow that path..croaked Gustave...
-Yeeeh,yelled out we come....

They walked and walked and walked....but there didn't seem to come an end to the path they were following...Our swampthings began to get tired..
-I don't know about you ,said Elvira...but I don't look very scary anymore...
-We should rest for a while,croaked Gustave..when one is tired one can not be creepy.....
-Lets take five,twittered Miss Moussie,and I mean just five because it's getting dark soon...

WHO landed next to his friends..bringing them some chestnuts he picked on the way..
-That's great,said Gustave..lets roast them..I will build a fire..
-Well,this is going to take more than five minutes..twittered Miss Moussie, but we do need the rest to get our strenght back so we can attack the Pumpkin..
It was very quiet in the forest...there was no wind....not a leaf was stirring...there was just the sound of the crackling fire..Our friends didn't speak..they were staring in to the dancing flames..alone with there thoughts..
Then, suddenly WHO lifted his head..and turned around...did he just hear something..a strange sound came from under that blackberry bush...there...listen..
Miss Moussie,Gustave and Elvira didn't seem to notice..
WHO decited to go and take a look....he walked slowly towards the blackberry bush..crawled under it and then...gave our friends a very big fright by yelling...WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.......
-Who,me...what who ....WHO what..stammered Gustave hopping up and down...WHO, where are you..
Miss Moussie sat as frozen on the ground...she couldn't move ,she couldn't speak...and she was she couldn't even think anymore..
And Elvira...she immediately ran to the very spot where WHO had disappeared...
-WHO,she called out...WHO..and then almost fell in a big hole from which she heard the voice from WHO answer..'I am down here...I fell in some stupid hole,I bet you its from Mr C..
First Miss Moussie swallowed almost a whole chestnut,and then got back in action...
-WHO,darling are you oke..can you see anything down it very dark and tell us how we can get you out of there..
-I am fine,I can see clearly now, there is a light at the end of the tunnel..and I don't want to get out..I want to go to the light..answered WHO..
-O NO....he is going towards the light, we are loosing him..twittered Miss Moussie dramatically.
-Don't be silly Miss,croaked Gustave..he is just fine...WHO ,he called....wait there....we are coming..Come on friends...I believe WHO found a short cut..and with a bit of luck we can find Mr C. down there..
Gustave jumped very frog like into the hole..Elvira followed with a very elegant squirrelly jump...and Miss Moussie followed very Miss Moussie like..carefully stepping over the edge.....the three of them tumbled down...landing at WHO's feet.
Nice ...said far so good, lets find out what's at the end of this tunnel.WHO took the lead...him being the biggest and the creepiest ..
There was a bright light shining at the end of the tunnel..first he light was red..then green..then orange..
-Strange place for a traffic light..mumbled WHO..
Coming closer to the light they heard loud rattling noises..
-WHO, WHO,whispered Gustave..stop..I think we are very close to the pumpkin..I heard that creepy rattle before...
They all stopped in their tracks....listening to the rattling of the chains and then they heard a laughter...and this laughter came from the end of the tunnel...
-It's coming closer, squeaked Miss Moussie ,shaking like a's the Pumpkin Monster....I want to get out of here...
-We came to save Sir Hog,and that's what we will or no monster..said Gustave in a firm tone of voice..stand tall my friends..we can do it...
And so our brave friends stood there.. paw in paw....ready to take charge..
A shadow appeared at the end of the was small..round..and prickly...followed by another one..somewhat bigger..with glasses...
Now the laughter changed in a loud scream....a scream for help...
-Help Help...screamed the two shadows....Monsters in the they turned around and ran away...
-Well,that was easy..croaked Gustave..we scared them away..piece of cake..
-Goodness...twittered miss Moussie..these screams sounded familiar..I could swear one of them was from Sir Hog..
-Yes..said Elvira ,and the other one from Mr C...
-Did we just scare our friends away, said WHO in disbelieve..
-Follow time to loose, twittered Miss Moussie, and off she went...running as fast as her little moussie feet could run..yelling..Stop ...Sir Hog..Mr C..its me...

Up ahead in the tunnel the two shadows ran for there life...they hadn't seen such creepy monsters before in their whole life..
Said one shadow to another...C...listen ,this monster is making a very familiar squeaking sound ...listen..
-By jolly...friend Horatio...could this be our dear Miss Moussie...answered the other standing still...
Horatio and C..waited...waited to see who was running after them....

WHO....they called out together...because who was the first one coming around the bend..WHO..flapping his swamp wings..WHO,old chap...what are you doing here..and why are you looking so very green,are you sick..we almost didn't recognise you at all..
-Goodness..squeaked Miss Moussie ..arriving after WHO...and what may I ask are YOU two doing here...we were ever so worried ..Sir Hog..are you oke..and dear C..why did you act so mysteriously lately..
-Did you two escape..croaked Gustave..
-Yes,do tell..was it very scary in this Haunted Pumpkin..asked Elvira exited..

-Escape..mysteriously...I am afraid I don't understand a word you are saying..said Horatio...we are fine...I believe I can't say this about you the way you look and all.....
-Well,one thing is correct said all has to do with a Pumpkin,bet you can't guess what it is..
-C..croaked Gustave,no time for riddles...Reveal your secret...NOW!
_Oke Oke..said supposed to be a surprise...but come on then, follow me...and you will see..
At the end of the tunnel there was an opening.....and when our gang stepped out into the forest this is what they saw....A PUMPKIN ROLLERCOASTER....

So...this was why Mr C had acted to suspicious...and why Sir Horatio had disappeared...they secret made a Rollercoaster marvelous...Would you like to join our sweet garden creatures for a ride....come on lets have fun ..together we make this a day to remember...You can buy your free tickets at the free lemonade stand...All's well that ends well...and wasn't this a wonderful ending of a great adventure....
Stay warm and stay happy my friends........